Posts Tagged ‘Social Networking’

Craig and Darren are back and since they destroyed the Twittersphere, Craig has moved on from Twitter to Linked In. Darren is still having none of it, begging the question, “Why does anyone use this site?” over and over again. Craig explains that one must be linked in to find a job, even though nobody he knows has ever found one through social networking. Violence ensues. — HuffPo
Vodpod videos no longer available.


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Chris Martin on the cover of UFOs magazine

Chris Martin on the cover of UFOs magazine

After doing 10 minutes for Paradox Comedy’s “Motel Hell” Halloween show Thursday, it turns out I’m doing 10 minutes again, though not the same material, for the ArtSpace benefit November 13. We have a run-through Sunday, November 8. I want to develop another five minutes that I can bolt onto the five minutes of topical humor that I usually do at Cafe Diem Comedy Night. I believe I can do that by Sunday though I haven’t written many topical jokes lately. Nothing has come to mind lately. I may have to plow through the pile of jokes at and see if there’s anything that

The way you insert photographs in WordPress isn’t particularly intuitive but I finall seem to have gotten the hang of it. I’m going to be trying to post a funny photo with every new blog post. I don’t have a clue as to how galleries work in WordPress. I don’t plan to publish a lot of photos here but I might eventually want to gather all the photos together.

I’m still holding at over 200 followers on Twitter so I got rid of one incessant marketing tweeter who was firing off bursts of half-a-dozen tweets all at once. I just can’t believe people who follow thousands of people are paying any attention to their tweet stream.

The VodPod integration is working well. However, I had to dump the publicize through Twitter feature of WordPress because all it does when VodPod published the video blog is send an URL to Twitter, not to mention there may be times when I publish videos more often than I want to to tweet. All I want to publicize on Twitter are blog posts that I write and I only do that fairly late at night. I also had to change the theme because the videos were overhanging,/overlapping the column, so I had to switch to a theme with a larger column size.

I’m rehearsing tonight for tomorrow at Cafe Diem. My modus operandi is simply to recite/read through the set today (Sunday) and memorize tomorrow.

WordPress doesn’t adjust for falling back or springing forward so I’ll have to wade through the not-particularly intuitive interface and do it myself. At some point I want to start working on the blog roll as well as insert the Chris Martin tag for previous posts, which I forgot to do. I saved my Twitter stream as a PDF and I want to find a program that can edit PDFs (, eliminate the announcements, keep the jokes and print it out for future reference.

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